Tuesday, August 26, 2008

House Photos!

So here are some photos of my house. This is the initial state that we got it in - unrented for months and home to SO many spiders it was scary. We are planning lots of renovations. The main ones are tiling the bathrooms and putting up full mosquito nets. We also have to buy a sink, stove and electric shower, which sound expensive and like a lots of work but aren't. Here shower, stoves and sinks aren't quite like what they are back in the States. I will plan to show you all when we are done. I hope to post a photo of the out side, next time I go there.

I am pretty excited about the whole thing. Since Saturday we have tiled the bathrooms and are now working (cross your fingers!) and that means buying furniture! YAY.

Luckily the guy that I am working for and building playgrounds is also an expat from Australia. So he has all these great tips on getting a house in order here and where to go for labor, furniture and the like!

The first photo is of our entery way and the staircase up to my room with Andrew. The second is our totally empty kitchen. The third is our upstairs common space and the last is a photo from Andrew and mine's room on to our balcony and the view that we have of our neighbors and the road.

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