Monday, July 12, 2010

Moraga- Skyline- Tunnel Ride: Liz-0: Clips-2

Sunday's ride was quite beautiful, but painful. Sadly there are no pictures to be had for that ride- we were a bit time crunched. On the flip side though I think we made really good timing on the whole thing!

Let me preface this ride by saying Laryssa and I went out the night before drinking and dancing and then continued to drink while watching the World Cup Final on the same day as the ride! Those were both such bad choices I can't even tell you. Most of the ride I was torn between wanting to throw up, give up or rip my legs off. I only got about 10 minutes up Spruce hill before I was thinking "Maybe if I turn around now and use a different route back Brian won't notice that I left and gave up!" HAHAHA! I would however NEVER have lived it down if I did that.

Some how I managed to make it through the ride though and up Pinehurst. Which was hard, but not too bad actually. Pinehurst was by far the most beautiful ride I have ever been on. The pine forests below were incredibly magical and the smell was sensational! Even the winding part at the top still gave you a great view. At the top of Pinehurst while waiting for the rest of the crew to make it up I stopped, unclipped my right foot and wham fell to my left and into a pile of hay and grasses! Both Brian and Darwin (Erica's boyfriend who finally joined us for a ride) were just staring at me like I was some moron. It was fantastic...

On the way down it was freezing! We crossed over Skyline and into Berkeley and you could see the fog rolling in and it dropped well into the 50's within minutes. Needless to say it was an uncomfortably cold ride back where Erica had to give me her sweater and gloves so I could continue. Of course she grew up here so this cold snap was nothing to her- while by the end of the ride I couldn't even feel my toes!

Then on the last leg right when pulling up to Erica's house I learned my last lesson of the ride: abrupt stopping on a hill leads to not clipping out in time and therefore falling...again. It must have looked so comical and in fact Laryssa who was behind me thought I had done it on purpose. Imagine me riding up to her house, stopping and just flopping over on to the pavement- it happened so fast I didn't even have time to clip out EITHER of my feet! Erica had to actually hold up the bike while I was on the floor so that I could unclip one foot at a time! Uggg, these clips are totally getting the better of me and now puts me at 3 falls total! All of which were totally pathetic, but luckily not when there are any cars.


Blast you clips!


Andrew Lim said...

Stay safe! Don't drink and bike!

Liz said...

I wasn't drunk! Just totally dehydrated

Unknown said...

Liz, sometimes I don't know how you have soooooo much energy. (Laryssa and I think you run on a natural cocaine of some sort...) <3

Unknown said...

lol @ Andrew chastising the girlfriend via blog comment post