So yesterday I did my first brick work out (or at least that is what Erica calls it). That is when you do two events back to back. Yesterday I did a 45 minute spin class and then ran with Erica for two miles! We finished off our work out with a few reps of dips, pull ups, squats and the rowing machine in the weight room. It actually felt pretty good.
To be fair the spin class yesterday wasn't that hard. It was more of a cardio past paced spinning class than a heavy uphill class. None-the-less after the class Erica and I went out a did two miles straight on the track. She said that we did the two miles in well under 20 minutes, which for me a very very good. I've never timed myself while running before so I feel that this is as good a place to start as any. I have also been working on my breathing while running due to the fact that I get so many stitches when I run. It really gives me something to focus on while I am pushing through the pain. I kinda like it; it's like thinking of puppies when you are getting a bikini wax.
I also found that the run I did yesterday was the least painful run I have ever done. Usually when I run my legs feel very heavy and that I am just pulling them along, but no so this time. Maybe it was because my muscles were already very warm at this point. Maybe I am better at running after doing other things than just cold? It is something to think about.
I think that my mental attitude about running has also changed greatly. I had a conversation yesterday with my co-worker Laryssa about running- recall she has finished 5 marathons including the Boston marathon in under 4 hours- she told me that she actually doesn't like running at all. Sometimes she even hates it, but that she keeps doing marathons as a way of challenging herself. This concept completely blew my mind! The thought of disliking running, but choosing to do marathons is a crazy concept. I had always figured that people who run love to run- just like how I love to swim. I mean I really love to swim. It is a time for me to just turn my body to autopilot, stare at the black line on the bottom of the pool and think. It is also a great time to work out aggression/ problems. All of that completely surmounts that fact that it just so happens to be great exercise. Lastly, I just feel great after swimming- unlike with any other activity.
So keeping in mind that Laryssa doesn't really like to run all the much yet still manages to have finished 5 marathons puts me in a mind set that in fact I can do this running portion of my triathlons. Hell, if it doesn't require the need to love running to want to do it I can get on board with that. I will never love to run, but can I get to a place where I can get through it without wanting to pass out on the the track right then and there? Probably!