Friday, June 25, 2010

Learn-To-Not-Fall-On-Your-Ass Day!

Wednesday was my day to learn how to bike with my new pedals and shoes. I took the advice of the nice lady at Mike's Bikes and went to a grass field where all the people playing with their dogs could see me while I biked around attempting to clip in. Luckily I had only one fall and it was on the grass so it wasn't too bad. I am however still a bit wary about biking around in traffic with them, but I just have to dive in head first and go for it.

After I sorta successfully celebrated Learn-To-Not-Fall-On-Your-Ass Day I then met up with Erica for a run. We started with a medium jog around the track which turned into a little more that a 2 mile warm up. That's not bad for me! We then did reps.: a fast sprint for 200 meters with a 200 meter recovery jog. We did about six of these and called it a day.

During the warm up jog I did however have an epiphany. I realized that while throughout my life I have been very active and involved with sports not one of the sports I have ever been involved in required running! And the sports that I did that should have required running I participated in on the non-running side! Such as I used to play soccer- I was the goalie and I did do track and field- I did long jump and high jump! My other sports have included competitive equestrian, volleyball and swimming- all none running sports. This was quite the revelation to have and I guess sorta puts my running into perspective now!

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