Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week 1 Summary

So this is how my first week ended up being in comparison to my earlier schedule. Not too bad, but definitely not as full throttle as my original schedule mandated.

By Friday I could barely walk down the stairs properly, so I figured that if I was going to actually do a ride that Sunday I needed to rest up. Basically the run killed me and I am NOT looking forward to the next one that I am going to do (i.e. this evening). I've figured that if the running is going to make me that sore I needed to start doing it earlier in the week if I have any prayer of doing my rides on the weekends.

Also, I was able to give up coffee for the whole week! Whoot whoot! But have recently fallen off of the no-caffeine band wagon. Having coffee on Monday was like having a religious awakening... god, coffee is good! ::Sigh::

On that note I have been pretty exhausted at work since I started training. I can't tell if it is because I am working out more and not sleeping enough or if it is more because I am a bit stressed out from work and trying to maintain my social life WHILE training. Hopefully I will stop feeling so tired all the time and thus be able to kick my coffee habit again.

I have also been very very good about my resolution to drink more water, but not so good about cutting down on the red meats. However, this grocery trip I did buy some beans and lentils (which I don't really know how to cook yet...) so hopefully that will get me started down the lesser meat eating path.

So this week taught me a few things: A. Exercise is tiring, B. Coffee is a gift from the gods, C. I am a totally out of shape runner, D. BUT I am in pretty good cycling shape for someone who has never done it before and E. There was no way I was going to be perfect on my first week and actually keep to the schedule I made.

So, keeping all of that in mind I think it was a pretty successful first week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Though, I'm going to be non-supportive and say: Come back to the wonderful, dark, and alluring world of coffee.