Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Okay, so after undisappearing from my year in Thailand I am back in the good ol' usa!
I've been here for about a year now and am finally settling into life in the bay area and the states. I decided that after a year of being here I needed to get on the triathlon bandwagon and actually try and train for one. I have been saying for about two years now that I want to do an Olympic length tri and I feel that this is the year that I am going to make that happen- or at exercise until I melt into a puddle of my own sweat... either way really.

I am, however, cautiously optimistic about this since
A. I hate running with a passion,
B. I don't know anything about riding a bike on a competitive level,
C. After growing up in LA and living in Thailand I have NO IDEA how I am ever going to get in the water here since it is NEVER warm and
D. Did I mention my extreme hatred for running?- it is really quite extreme.

All of that aside I am willing to throw myself into this and really give it a go.

I told myself that I don't have to start training until June 3rd (the day my boyfriend leaves to go back to Thailand for a 3 month stint- I figure less distractions couldn't hurt!). So until June 3rd I plan to pig out, drink red wine and not exercise in the least. After that I am going to give myself two to three weeks at the gym getting myself back in order before I embarrass myself in front of a San Francisco Triathlon group training session.

I guess I will be seeing you back here on June 3rd to let you know how my first day of training went.


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