Thursday, July 1, 2010

Knee Issues... am I officially old now?

This was one of the first images that came up when I searched Google for "Knee Images"!
Totally not related, but hilarious. It is a pillow sold in Japan in the shape of a seated woman.

So after my first ride with my new bike, shoes, pedals my knees were aching a bit, right above and below the knee cap. It was a dull kinda pain that went away by the time I woke up on Monday. I figured the knee pain might have been due to a number of things: new bike, first time with these shoes, first time using proper alignment, and maybe my bike just need a bit of tweeking to fit better. Until today they hadn't been bothering me. Unfortunately yesterday I went to a core class that had us doing a ton of squats and now my knees hurt :(. And have been achy all day.

This is something that I am not taking lightly. I have brought it up to a bunch of people to get there opinion on the subject. Brian thinks it's just because I was using my shoes for the first time and therefore my knees and feet had to be in proper alignment the whole time. My co-worker Sara thinks it is cause I might not be stretching enough after my workouts and that I need to get my bike re-fitted. And lastly my co-worker Laryssa thinks it is because I am not stretching enough. These are all very valid points and things that I need to take into consideration. I guess that I should be stretching more after runs and rides. I mean I can't hurt to stretch. I am hoping that this is a stretching issue and it could easily be since a lot of knee issues are due to quad muscles and the way you work them during a training session. I have also had perpetually sore/ tight quads and calves since I started training 3 weeks ago so all of that tightness could easily now be affecting my knees.

I have also made a new appointment at Mike's Bikes to have my bike refitted. So we will see what comes of it.

Not injured, just a bit sore and wanting to make sure that everything goes back to normal soon!


Andrew Lim said...

the pillow is hilarious! proof to my theory that all of japan are mommas boys who long to be sleeping on some feminine thighs :)

as far as the knee stuff, consider pedaling higher rpms in lower gears than you would usually, especially when going up hill. good for spin practice, and will put less strain on your knees as you continue to train.

Liz said...

Ya, I totally agree and that is really good advice. However, I don't think that that was the issue this time. I took the day off and stretched all last night- I was so tight! No wonder my knees were sore